Smart city projects require culture change and user adoption


A smart city project can use innovation to set strategic priorities, 提高工艺效率, 提高透明度,促进地方经济发展.

I have been fortunate to participate in many smart city events over the years. My take-away from these events is that cities around the world are interested in increasing their sustainability, 吸引力和宜居性.

今天, smart city initiatives are one of the most important digital transformation undertakings in the public sector. 作为智慧城市项目的基石, technology is important as it addresses hot topics including, 物联网(物联网), 人工智能(AI), 安全漏洞, 和协议, 举几个例子.

However, the success of a smart city initiative is highly dependent on 最终用户的采用和体验. That’s why cities are focusing on the citizens at the center of their projects. Understanding the services that citizens choose provides cities with experienced-based information. 毕竟, 如果市民不采用或使用服务或应用程序, 整个项目可能处于危险之中, 以及为未来的计划提供公共资金.



To achieve success cities need to have clear goals with measurable objectives. 无论你的目标是气候变化, 可持续发展的转变, 社会融合, 卫生和教育, 参与式治理和积极的公民意识, 公共安全, 或旅游, 你需要选择你的战斗来保持专注. 市政当局需要让公民参与进来, elected representatives and public sector employees to create a vision for their future city and help prioritize initiatives.


In my travels I’ve spent a lot of time talking to smart city project managers and I’ve learned that technology challenges are not the first challenges they encounter. Even before the complexity of integration begins t在这里 are long discussions about decision processes, 公共组织复杂性, and organizational culture challenges that must be dealt with.

At ALE we believe collaboration tools can provide an entry way to digital transformation. 所以, to address these challenges we’ve explored a number of ways to break down the silos between public services by using collaboration to make the move to a 多元和包容的文化.


A solid understanding of citizens’ needs, simplicity of use, and good government-citizen通信 能否确保服务和应用程序的成功采用. 这些服务和应用程序可以:

  • 促进公民参与, 使社区影响城市决策, 并提供与当选代表的Contact
  • Increase social connectivity and inclusiveness often lost with urbanization
  • Provide access to around-the-clock, on-line services to all (especially to vulnerable groups) 

我们相信一切都依赖于便捷的连接. 能够轻松地将人们Contact起来, 对象, algorithms and processes effectively is key in a smart city transformation. What is essential for any community is the ease of communication, 无论如何, whether it is integrated into business applications to help enhance public or security agents’ efficiency, 或者是公民的申请.

数码工具,例如 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™ help ease communications and build a connected social community. 也, digitalization can improve overall safety with 物联网 and AI integration to provide enhanced notification speed and emergency response time. 向…移动 数字政府 与一个 连接城市 can bring together citizens and 公共安全 solutions to help anticipate emergencies.

Alcatel-Lucent 彩虹 Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) for smart cities provides a very simple way to integrate communications and enter the 物联网-enabled communications paradigm. 开发团队可以连接到 开发者的彩虹 轻松创建模型, 将概念验证集成到生活实验室中, and ensure the new services address both citizens’ and agents’ needs. Proper testing and broadcasting can enable easier adoption by a wider population.

当今众多的智慧城市解决方案, as well as the need for interconnectivity across much broader areas add complexity to the smart city integration process. Selecting a vendor with expertise and experience gets your smart city project on the right track. With more than 100 years of experience in delivering technology solutions, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业业务提供了弹性, 实时 政府解决方案 to assist hundreds of public administrations in their digital and cultural transformations.

Inclusiveness and collaboration can help attract creative entrepreneurs and new citizens to cities. Combining a variety of skills from a variety of stakeholders, as well as providing the ability to collaborate and innovate will help guide them toward a common future. How they co-create and co-experience new services through living labs can accelerate adoption and decision making as they embark on their new smart city.



Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical 解决方案, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Jacques is Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical 解决方案 at ALE. He is responsible for creating digital solutions to address needs in 教育, 政府, 医疗保健, 和好客, 以及内容创作来支持销售. 雅克毕业于法国巴黎高科电信学院.




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